If you and your spouse have recently parted ways, it may be difficult for you to contemplate ever having a civil relationship again. Right now, you may feel that it is impossible to even have a normal conversation with your ex without it turning into a fight. While...

Over Three Decades Of Resolving Family Law Issues In Montana
Key facts about Montana child custody laws
Child custody law tends to be very similar across states. In addition to this, most states in the U.S. have adopted the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), which aids states in cooperation when it comes to multistate custody cases.However,...
Tips for effectively modifying child support
Child support is put in place with good intentions: It is meant to provide financial support for children whose parents are not together. It makes all biological parents financially responsible for their children, regardless of whether they have chosen to have a...
Understanding asset division laws in Montana
One of the most complex processes in a divorce proceeding is the asset division process. Splitting marital assets tends to be particularly complex between high asset spouses, spouses who are struggling to maintain a collaborative relationship, and spouses who have...
What you need to know about divorce in Montana
State law dictates many things about the divorce process. This means that getting a divorce in Montana is likely to be subject to slightly different laws than getting in a divorce in Texas or California, for example.Therefore, you should make sure that you have a good...
Managing divorce has unique challenges during retirement
There is no doubt that couples who decide to divorce in Montana will be faced with difficult challenges as they embark on the process to rebuild their lives as independent individuals. Depending on how long a couple has been married, the types of assets they share and...
Is college tuition part of child support?
Montana child support payments are obligations you might have to your co-parent in order to share the economic burden of raising your children. The court might order these payments based on a variety of considerations, but college tuition is not likely to be one of...
Why is paternity important to fathers?
Paternity is important in Montana because it gives both father and child legal rights. Children have a right to be supported by their legal parents, and fathers have certain rights, such as being served notice of various family law procedures.You may already be the...
Child custody dispute ends in shooting
The ultimate hope is that those who are going through a divorce in Missoula can keep things civil between each other throughout the process. Doing so may typically works out to benefit of all of those involved, as it allows proceedings to be completed quickly and...
The process of filing for child support and having it enforced
When the process of divorce is still relatively new for couples in Montana, one of the concerns that may cross their mind is how they will continue to support the needs and comforts of their children without the support of a spouse. This change in the dynamic of their...